Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Four Months

To Blythe:

I'm a little behind, but you are officially 4 months old now. You are just so entertaining. Who needs tv when you have a child? Let's the past month I have quit my job to spend more time with you and it has been amazing! We experienced your first Christmas. I video taped it, but it's not really too exciting. You didn't care too much about the opening of the gifts, but I still wanted it recorded since it was your first. You also attended your first birthday party (your cousin Henry turned 1). You slept through the majority of the party, but that's's not like you could have the cake anyways.

You officially weigh 16 pounds. Babies are supposed to double their weight from birth to 4 months and you did exactly that! You weighed 8 pounds at birth and now you are 16 pounds. You legs are starting to fill out and get little rolls. I love it!

Your length growth has finally tapered off. You only gained 1/2 an inch. You are now 25 inches long.

Clothing Size:
Some of your 0-3 month stuff still fits. As long as they don't have the little footies in them. Those tend to pull because of your length. So you are wearing mostly 3-6 month stuff.
I have moved you up to size 2 diapers. They go up to 18 pounds so I'm curious to see how fast you go through those since next month you start on cereal and I hear that will pack on some pounds.
You are drinking 8 oz every 4 hours. It totals out to 32 oz a day since you only drink 4 bottles a day.

Your hair is still dark and starting to get long in the back and fill in a little on the top of your head. You eyes are still green (fingers crossed they remain that way)

You take a few short naps (30-45 mins) during the day, but that's okay because at night you sleep around 11-12 hours. And then when you do wake up in the morning you sit and talk to yourself and laugh for about another hour. Daddy and I enjoy listening to you in the mornings through the monitor. It definitely brightens our day. We have also moved you to your crib (you were getting too long for the bassinet) and you LOVE it. I think you sleep more sound in there. Unfortunately, we don't sleep more sound because I'm paranoid I won't hear you if you wake up and because we have always been those people that shut and lock our bedroom door at night and now we sleep with the door open. It's taking some adjusting.

Fun Stuff:
Well we have our first TWO teeth!!! Yup! They have cut through the gums and we can see and feel them. So exciting!!!

You LOVE the johnny jump up. You will jump for hours. And when you get turned around so your back is to us, you stop and look around like you are lost. ha!

You are starting to love the exer saucer more and more. You definitely are in concentration mode when in it.

You don't really cry, you just fuss when you want something (like food). It's cute because it's like you don't understand how to actually fuss.

Since you are teething, you suck on your bottom lip. A LOT!

Daddy swears you can say "hey" and it definitely sounds like it when we come into your room in the morning.

You cover your face with the blanket so that when we come in to get you up, we pull the blanket down and you smile.

You smile A LOT!

You've started holding your own bottle. But you only do it once the bottle is halfway full. Before that I think it's too heavy.

You chew on the nipple of the bottle to soothe your gums.

You have started squealing. It's awesome to hear. You do it when you get really excited. Especially if watching something you like and you are laughing loudly, then you squeal.

You like to watch older kids (like around the age of 6-8). It's like you are jealous they can run and jump.

You jump all the time. If we are holding you, all you want to do is jump. It's definitely a workout for your legs and my arms.

If someone is talking to you softly, you get this intense look on your face like you are taking it all in and understand exactly what they say. You even get little wrinkles above your eyebrows.

You are great at picking up and holding things. You have even learned a little cause and effect where you know if you press a certain button something will happen.

First Christmas

At Henry's birthday party

Playing in the exer saucer

Playing in the johnny jumpup