Wednesday, July 25, 2012

34 Weeks

Next week is my last every other week appt and then I'll start on my weekly appointments!!!

This past weekend my mom and sister came to help me get the nursery together. All the furniture was put together, the bedding was placed in the crib, the cradle was set up in my bedroom, and all of her clothes/washcloths/towels/etc...were washed, folded, and placed neatly in order of size and type. The diapers were also set up in a well organized fashion so let's just hope it can stay this way ha!

The only things missing are the curtains, the mirror being hung above the dresser, and the name above her crib. We have the mirror I just need Jared to hang it and the curtains and name are being made by family and friends. The crown molding and baseboards will be put into place once the kitchen is done so I just need someone to help me paint the trim around the windows.

Let me just say this though, I feel so much less stressed about the nursery now knowing that at least if something happens and she is born early, the bed is ready, the chair is set up, and the clothing and dresser are in place! She won't notice if the baseboards aren't complete before she arrives...I, of course, would love for them to be in but IF something were to happen it would be okay!

This weekend I think I will start trying to get together the items to pack. I will buy travel size shampoo, etc... and go ahead and lay out the suitcase and start placing the items of hers I want to bring. I know I need an outfit to carry her home in, an outfit for pictures, some hats, some gowns, these are things I can go ahead and pack. I also know that this weekend will be more of a relaxing weekend for me since I was non stop on the go or doing something (cleaning, nursery, etc...) last weekend from Fri-Sun. This weekend I should take it easy!

Our new kitchen cabinets have also been installed and the counter tops were templated yesterday!!! One step closer to having my kitchen back and for that I'm really ecstatic!

I was going to post a couple of pictures (but I cannot get these pictures to flip...if anyone knows how to do it on blogger let me know, if not that's fine because once finished I won't be uploading from my phone but instead from my camera) but these are NOT the finished product, just a preview :)

How far along? 34 Weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to What to, a large cantaloupe - 19 - 22 inches long and 5.5 pounds

Total Weight Gain/Loss: as of a week ago it was 24 pounds...I'm sure I've put on more since then...I go back to the doc on Wednesday so we will get a definite then :)
Maternity clothes? mainly dresses and running shorts
Stretch marks? none

Gender: girl

Belly Button In/Out: still in

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Sleep:I sleep great, when I'm sleeping. I have a hard time falling asleep due to comfort level but it's really not that bad. I can no longer lay on my back at all because I can't breathe and I wake up numerous times to pee during the night. 

Movement: non stop...she apparently hasn't run out of room yet

Food cravings: nothing lately

Best Moment This Week: getting the nursery set up and visiting with my mom and sister. Also, seeing the kitchen with new cabinets :)

Miss Anything? not feeling out of breath all the time. I went to walmart yesterday and standing in one of the aisles I felt some difficulty breathing. It's strange to feel like that.

What I am looking forward to: my doctor appointment next week and relaxing this weekend

Have you started to show yet? of course!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

33 Weeks

So I had my 33 week appt went really well. My blood pressure was 100/68 which was good. Her heartbeat was 160 which is also good! I wasn't happy with my weight gain, but hopefully I can lose it all once she arrives (and lose it quickly). And the doc said she's already in the head down position which normally takes place between 34-36 weeks. I go back in two weeks and then I'll start my every week appt!!! I can't believe I'm already to that point...time is flying by! I honestly can't imagine having a child in my life, it's going to be weird. 

How far along? 33 Weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to What to, a pineapple - 19 - 22 inches long and 4.9 pounds

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 24 pounds since pre-pregnancy which makes me goal was to stay below the 25 mark but they say you can gain between 25-30 so I guess my new goal should be to stay below the 30 mark lol!
Maternity clothes? I go back and forth but right now I'm on a dress kick
Stretch marks? none

Gender: girl

Belly Button In/Out: still in

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Sleep: it's been good recently. I get up at least once a night for a bathroom break, but other than that...I'm lovin some sleep right now!

Movement: non stop...she apparently hasn't run out of room yet

Food cravings: nothing lately

Best Moment This Week: my baby shower and seeing my kitchen with no cabinets (looks crazy!)

Miss Anything? sitting on the deck with a beer in my hand...soon though!

What I am looking forward to: seeing what my kitchen will look like with all new cabinets AND my mom and sister (and nephew) coming up to help with the nursery this weekend...I'm dying to see what it's going to look like with new furniture

Have you started to show yet? yup

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

32 Weeks

Well only 8 weeks left! So much to do, so little time. It's looking like I might need to ask off work for a day or so just to get it all done. Our kitchen renovation begins Monday and I'm super excited about that. Jared spent his off day yesterday packing up the kitchen...well everything except the margarita and martini glasses (which I was okay with), plus he did yard work, and cleaned the entire house. I was very impressed and relieved when I got home last night...especially since it was storming and we had no power. So the kitchen is packed up which means paper plates, plastic forks and cups, and easy to make meals that don't require much clean up haha! I cannot wait to see what the kitchen will look like once those out of date and dirty cabinets and countertops are removed. We ended up going with a dark cabinet and then a lighter colored granite countertop. For the backsplash I'm thinking a tuscan type feel...old looking stone/brick with an accent line of mosaic tiles through it...haven't made the final decision on that yet lol! Now to buy baseboards for the nursery :)

How far along? 32 Weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to What to, a honeydew - 19 inches long and 4.5 pounds

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 pounds since pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? I go back and forth but right now I'm on a dress kick
Stretch marks? none

Gender: girl

Belly Button In/Out: still in but very shallow lol!

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Sleep: not too great...some nights I sleep through the night and wake up thinking "it can't be morning yet" and other nights I toss and turn trying to get comfy

Movement: all the time!!! It no longer feels like kicks or jabs, but more like a rolling motion (if that makes sense) and hiccups...OFTEN!

Food cravings: nothing lately

Best Moment This Week: purchasing cabinets and countertops and seeing my nephew

Miss Anything? sleeping on my stomach...on the nights I can't get comfy, all I want to do is sleep on my stomach

What I am looking forward to: my baby shower this weekend!!! and the old cabinets being torn out on Monday :)

Have you started to show yet? yup!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

31 Weeks

How far along? 31 Weeks and 2 days

Size of Baby: According to What to, head of lettuce - 19 inches and 3.9 pounds

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 pounds since pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? I go back and forth
Stretch marks? none

Gender: girl

Belly Button In/Out: still in but very shallow lol!

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Sleep: pretty good here lately, the exhaustion is back BUT Tuesday night I made the mistake of eating too much and ended up having to sleep sitting up because I had difficulty breathing laying down...note to self: can't binge eat

Movement: all the time!!! It no longer feels like kicks or jabs, but more like a rolling motion (if that makes sense)

Food cravings: nothing lately

Best Moment This Week: picking out cabinets and relaxing this past weekend

Miss Anything? it would be nice to have an occasional alcoholic beverage every now and then...especially yesterday (4th of July)

What I am looking forward to:making the final decisions on the countertops and backsplash so we can get this project going!

Have you started to show yet? yup!