Well only 8 weeks left! So much to do, so little time. It's looking like I might need to ask off work for a day or so just to get it all done. Our kitchen renovation begins Monday and I'm super excited about that. Jared spent his off day yesterday packing up the kitchen...well everything except the margarita and martini glasses (which I was okay with), plus he did yard work, and cleaned the entire house. I was very impressed and relieved when I got home last night...especially since it was storming and we had no power. So the kitchen is packed up which means paper plates, plastic forks and cups, and easy to make meals that don't require much clean up haha! I cannot wait to see what the kitchen will look like once those out of date and dirty cabinets and countertops are removed. We ended up going with a dark cabinet and then a lighter colored granite countertop. For the backsplash I'm thinking a tuscan type feel...old looking stone/brick with an accent line of mosaic tiles through it...haven't made the final decision on that yet lol! Now to buy baseboards for the nursery :)
How far along? 32 Weeks and 1 day
How far along? 32 Weeks and 1 day
Size of Baby: According to What to Expect.com, a honeydew - 19 inches long and 4.5 pounds
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 20 pounds since pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? I go back and forth but right now I'm on a dress kick
Stretch marks? none
Gender: girl
Belly Button In/Out: still in but very shallow lol!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Sleep: not too great...some nights I sleep through the night and wake up thinking "it can't be morning yet" and other nights I toss and turn trying to get comfy
Movement: all the time!!! It no longer feels like kicks or jabs, but more like a rolling motion (if that makes sense) and hiccups...OFTEN!
Food cravings: nothing lately
Best Moment This Week: purchasing cabinets and countertops and seeing my nephew
Miss Anything? sleeping on my stomach...on the nights I can't get comfy, all I want to do is sleep on my stomach
What I am looking forward to: my baby shower this weekend!!! and the old cabinets being torn out on Monday :)
Have you started to show yet? yup!
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