To Blythe:
Sunday you turned 3 months old. This means you are no longer considered a newborn. It's bittersweet. I love watching you grow and learn new things and absolutely cannot wait for you to reach each and every milestone; but I also want you to stay small where I can squeeze you and love on you whenever I want. I can't believe another month has flown by. You don't realize just how fast it goes until you have one of your own. You are absolutely amazing!!! You are such a great baby. People comment on that daily. You are a very happy and content baby and for that I am blessed.
Well the doctor weighed you when you were 10 weeks old and you were 11 pounds 11 ounces. You are a tiny thing, not gaining very fast but very healthy and in the 25-50 percentile! I was the same way when I was a baby so maybe you are taking after me.
At 10 weeks you were 24.5 inches long. You are definitely a long baby. I am wondering when that will taper off.
Clothing Size:
Well I have officially moved you to 0-3 month stuff. It fits you perfectly. The only concern I have is that you will end up being too long for anything with the feet in them LONG before you actually outgrow them in the weight department lol! As far as the weight restrictions you fit right into the 0-3. I did buy you some super warm fleece pjs with the feet in them and went ahead and got the 3-6 month so they would be more comfortable and so you could continue to grow with them as the winter progresses.
You are still in size 1s. They are supposed to go up to 14 pounds so I think you'll be in them for probably another month or so.
Well it varies. Your first bottle of the day you tend to drink 8 ounces. Your last bottle of the night you fall asleep during so we are lucky if we get 6 ounces in you. Ha! Throughout the day it just depends on how long in between bottles you are. If you nap and sleep over your time to eat, then you want 8 ounces. If you are awake and it's time to eat, you do about 7oz. So just to be safe, I normally make 8 ounces anyways. But you are typically eating every 4 hours still. Occasionally during the day you'll go about 30 minutes less or more.
They are still varying. I can't wait to see what color they will actually be. Sometimes they are brown, sometimes green. Your hair is just as dark as ever and growing so long in the back. Now if a little more would come in on top we would be set! lol! But I have noticed your eyebrows have a reddish tint. You definitely got some of that red from daddy :)
You have started napping!!!! Yay!!! You will typically sleep about an 1 1/2-3 hours in the morning and about an hour in the afternoon. You also sleep in the car on the way home after work. I pick you up and by the time I get out of the driveway you are asleep so technically we could count that because you sleep the 45 minutes to an hour it takes us to get home and then maybe about another 30 minutes which gives me time to unload the car and get dinner started. You are now going to sleep around 9 or 10 (just depends on when that last bottle is) and sleeping until 4-5 in the morning. That's not too bad during the week because I typically have to leave around 545 if I'm taking you to my moms so that gives me time to feed you and get ready before getting in the car. Where you then go back to sleep lol! Do you see a pattern with sleeping in the car? ha!
Fun Stuff:
You are starting to teeth so your fist is almost always in your mouth and you drool more. If the pacifier is in your mouth you will actually take it out to chew on your fist.
You love the bouncy seat.
When you are in your swing or bouncy seat you constantly move your legs. I call it your aerobics. They never stop moving. Which just makes the bouncy seat bounce more and you love it.
If the TV is on, you are watching it. Doesn't matter what's on it or which way I try and turn you so you aren't watching it. Last night you turned your head until you were straining your neck just so you could see it.
You don't like laying like a baby. You want to sit up and see everything.
You want to stand when someone's holding you. Most of the time you are standing and bouncing. I have no doubt you are going to be a very fit child ha!
You make these grunting type noises when you are getting tired or trying to fall asleep. It's how daddy and I know it's time to lay you down.
If you don't want to be held anymore (because you have become little miss independent) you completely straighten your body and fuss for a second. The moment we sit you down, you are happy.
You love the bouncy seat.
When you are in your swing or bouncy seat you constantly move your legs. I call it your aerobics. They never stop moving. Which just makes the bouncy seat bounce more and you love it.
If the TV is on, you are watching it. Doesn't matter what's on it or which way I try and turn you so you aren't watching it. Last night you turned your head until you were straining your neck just so you could see it.
You don't like laying like a baby. You want to sit up and see everything.
You want to stand when someone's holding you. Most of the time you are standing and bouncing. I have no doubt you are going to be a very fit child ha!
You make these grunting type noises when you are getting tired or trying to fall asleep. It's how daddy and I know it's time to lay you down.
If you don't want to be held anymore (because you have become little miss independent) you completely straighten your body and fuss for a second. The moment we sit you down, you are happy.
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Teething |
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Watching TV |
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