Saturday afternoon I told my brother in law and sister it was girl. Before they flipped the picture over they both said "we think it's a boy". Saturday night we surprised Jared's mom and Donnie by showing up at their house with the gift in hand. They were dead set that we were having a boy so it was tons of fun to see the expression when they realized it was a girl. Sunday I spent the day with my mom then dinner with my mom, dad, sister, brother in law, nephew, brother, and Jared. This is where we revealed to my parents who were also dead set it was a boy. Apparently I was saying "he" before the baby's gender was revealed so that automatically made them think I was slipping up. Everyone was shocked, yet excited. That was so much fun and I would suggest it to any of my friends :) My parents of course are ecstatic because they went from no grandchildren to two in less than 8 months and one is a boy and one will be a girl.
How far along? 21 Weeks and 1 day
Size of Baby: According to What to, a spaghetti squash - around 8 inches long and 1 pound (I definitely looked up a picture of one on google images and wow, she's big lol!)
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 5 pounds since pre-pregnancy
Maternity clothes? Just switched to maternity work pants today. I can still fit in my pre maternity ones but these are super comfy for 9 hours worth of work and 3 hours of travel time
Stretch marks? None yet, fingers crossed!!!
Gender: GIRL
Belly Button In/Out: In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Sleep: Lately, amazing. I'm exhausted
Movement: Occasionally
Food cravings: This past week it has been milk
Best Moment This Week: Watching Jared experience feeling his first kick and revealing the gender to our parents
Miss Anything? Being able to stay busy all day without feeling tired so quickly
What I am looking forward to: Starting on the nursery this weekend
I can't seem to get the picture turned right side up :/
My mom and dad the moment my mom opened the gender reveal gift. |
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Gender Reveal photo |
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