Thursday, October 11, 2012

One Month Old

I've seen this on a couple of other people's blogs and really liked the idea so I am copying :)

To Blythe:

Tuesday was your one month old birthday!!! The time has definitely flown by but I absolutely LOVE it!

Well I'm not 100% sure but your next doctor appointment is Thursday and they will weigh you then. I can't wait to find out!! I'm think you are right under 8 pounds. A couple of weeks ago you weighed 7 pounds and 14 ounces. When you were born you were 8 pounds 4 oz and when we were released from the hospital you were down to 7 pounds 4 oz.
You were 20 inches when you were born and I'm not thinking you have gotten much longer. You seem to be the exact same size but I could be wrong.
Clothing Size:
Well, you are still in newborn clothing. You don't fit in anything 0-3 yet which was upsetting until yesterday. We only had a few newborn outfits because most of the time babies don't stay in them long, but you are way away from wearing bigger sizes. So thankfully Jessica had some of Vada's leftover newborn clothes and let me borrow them. You now have tons of outfits!!
You are still in newborn diapers. We were close to running out so I was going to try and move you up to 1s so I didn't have to buy more newborn diapers, but they swallowed you. So yesterday I made another trip to Walmart to buy you a huge box of newborn diapers.
You are up to 5 oz of formula. You were eating it every 3 1/2 to 4 hours until last week. Starting last week you began to spit up a ton. After researching it and calling the doctor we think we have figured out you have acid reflux. It makes me so sad. You are still eating 5 oz but you are getting hungry about every 3 hours because out of the 5 oz you aren't keeping it all down. You also have started fighting burping because it upsets you when you spit up. It absolutely breaks my heart. You stand up, arch your back, and just all out scream when it comes to burping. It's horrible because I'm supposed to burp you every ounce to minimize your spit up which means even more fighting. I'm sure it hurts not to mention is annoying and taste nasty to continue to spit up so much formula every time you eat. The doctor prescribed you Zantac and after it got into your system you became a different baby. The side effects caused tummy aches and constipation and after having such a bad day on the medicine yesterday I took you off. I am hoping your doctor will switch you to something else next week when we go visit.
Your eyes are no longer blue. Daddy and I think you will have green eyes,  but right now they are a mixture of green and brown. Your hair is still just as dark as it was at the hospital. And you haven't lost any, in fact I'm thinking more has grown in and the hair in the back has gotten longer. It hangs over your collar.
You were sleeping in a cradle next to the bed at night and you loved it. We could actually put you in there wide awake and you would put yourself to sleep. But you are so active that you would roll and cause the cradle to lean which also caused you to get stuck up against the side/bumpers. So as of yesterday we have moved a stationary bassinet next to the bed. Let's hope you end up loving it as well. You are sleeping about 4 hours in between each bottle. So basically I bathe you right before your last bottle of the night (between 8 and 9) and then I feed you and you fall asleep. We only feed you once in the middle of the night, the rest of the time you are asleep. You aren't a huge fan of sleeping in the daytime, but as long as you sleep at night I don't mind.
Fun Stuff:
You've started to mimic so when we smile at you, you smile back.
You are oohing and ahhing.
Starting at 3 weeks of age, you can roll from your tummy to your back.
When we are holding you or rocking you, you bury your head under our arms. It's really cute.
Every night when daddy gets ready to go to bed he lays you next to him until you both fall asleep and then I move you to your cradle. It's his favorite part of the day since he's been working so much.
You love baths!!! You hate getting out of the tub, but as long as you are in there you are satisfied.
You smile A LOT now. Especially when sleeping. I could just sit and watch you all day.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Well, I have neglected my blog for long! Since the last time I posted my life has completely changed AND I LOVE IT!

So in case anyone doesn't know I ended up having Blythe 5 days late. My due date was Sept 4th and on the 6th my doctor decided I would be induced on the following Tuesday (the 11th) however on Sunday night at exactly 7pm she made her appearance. I won't say it was the easiest thing ever but it was definitely worth it.

Sunday morning at 6:00 my water broke. It was not at all like in the movies. There wasn't a huge gush of fluid and then lots of running around. In fact, I wasn't even 100% sure my water broke. I actually got back in bed, without waking up Jared and was going to try to get some more sleep. At around 6:30 I finally decided that maybe I should just call and ask my doctor and see what she said. I called the hospital and they said to come in just to make sure. I woke up Jared and said we needed to go to the hospital to see if my water broke and he jumped up in a panic. I assured him that we weren't having a baby today (man was I wrong!) and I casually packed a bag of clothes in case they didn't keep me. This way I would be able to shower at a family member's house and we could just stay in B'ham for the day in case something happened. We left the house around 7:30 (a full hour and a half after my initial water breaking ha!). We drove to the hospital and on the way there I started having contractions, but nothing fact, I had felt these types of contractions before (including all night). We get to the hospital, they check, and sure enough the doctor says "well, it looks like you will be having a baby today". We knew it wouldn't be a quick process so we held off on calling friends and family so they wouldn't be waiting all day.

They put me on a pitocin drip just to help things along and our excitement got the best of us, we made some phone calls assuring people that it wouldn't be anytime soon. It was at this point I wish I had showered in that hour and a half we wasted so I could feel somewhat presentable. Well, of course since I was admitted they no longer allowed me to eat or drink anything and I also regretted not stopping for breakfast because I was starving! lol!

Family members came in to visit and as the day progress my contractions got worse. I refused the epidural until I had reached 6cm and my contractions were very close together. I didn't want to get it early. I wouldn't have gotten it at 6cm if the nurse hadn't of insisted I go ahead and get, she is a smart lady! That pain was gone and I wondered why I had even waited.

It seemed that I was destined to have a rough delivery (which I had expected since my pregnancy had been a breeze). It all began with the epidural. He came in to do a procedure that should have been simple and unfortunately when he stuck me he hit a blood vessel. I had an immediate shooting pain down my right leg and it shot up in the air like it would if the doctor had tapped on it to check my reflexes. This scared the crap out of me and I freaked out. The whole right side of my body went numb and I got scared so of course I, hormones are a crazy thing! I had been chewing gum to help through my contractions and my hair went in my mouth and gum got stuck in it. That's when the anesthesiologist said "sorry, it didn't go in like it was supposed to, we will have to do it again, but first...I have something in my eye"

The epidural took, finally, and I just waited until time to deliver. Well, apparently my tailbone and Blythe's head made interaction and she wouldn't move. The doctor suggested they use the suction thing (not sure the technical terms) because at this point I had been pushing for almost 2 1/2 hours. I declined and said I would continue trying on my own, but after a little convincing from Jared I decided to go for it. Man, that was amazing. She was out in 2 seconds flat! Glad I let Jared talk me into it. It was then that the doctor noticed a problem. I wouldn't stop bleeding. Not like the normal bleeding but like I was internally bleeding. He said what normally takes about 10 minutes to stitch up took him about an hour. They went through 40 sponges (I know this because they had to count them afterwards). They finally go to hand me Blythe and I said "not yet, I don't feel right" and then I passed out. Could have been from loss of blood, low blood sugar, or low blood pressure (because it plummeted) I'm not sure. So they tilted me back and put another bag of fluid in me. Finally, I got to hold my baby girl. It was a very emotional time.

I ended up passing out again in the middle of the night when my nighttime nurse had me walk for the first time. And I was extremely sore for the first couple of days (I refuse to take pain meds). BUT IT WAS ALL WORTH IT.

These last 3 weeks have been amazing. I have seen her smile, roll over, and just overall be amazing! I catch myself staring at her. I have had tons of people tell me she is the most alert baby ever and I believe it. She barely naps during the day, but so far (fingers crossed) her nighttime sleep has been good. She sleeps about 3-4 hours in between feedings, we are up to 4 oz now, and she sleeps in the cradle.

Each day she seems to change and as sad as that makes makes me even more excited to see what milestone she will reach next. So to all of you moms out there...I now understand and my life just got soooo much better!!!