Sunday, August 26, 2012

9 days left!!!

Well I had my doctor's appointment on Friday morning. Nothing had changed, including my weight!!! yay! Doctor just told me to walk A LOT and make sure it's hard and fast and that will not only make my labor and delivery easier but cause me to dilate even more so tomorrow begins my walking...Now to decide how long to walk each day. Wish me luck!!!

How far along? 38 Weeks and 5 days

Size of Baby: According to What to, a watermelon- 19 - 22 inches long and 7 pounds
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 28 lbs
Maternity clothes? of course
Stretch marks? none
Gender: girl
Belly Button In/Out: still in...sorta lol!
Wedding rings on or off? on, in the morning they are a little tight but after about an hour it's fine
Sleep:mainly just a lot of bathroom breaks
Movement: hasn't slowed down
Food cravings: I'm back on my chocolate milk kick
Best Moment This Week: bought a video camera, got my hospital bag put in the car, installed the carseat, and enjoyed a wonderful Saturday in bham
Miss Anything? just feeling normal
What I am looking forward to: I start my walking tomorrow to prepare for labor/delivery and of course meeting Blythe soon!
Have you started to show yet? of course!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

37 weeks and 3 days

So my doctor's appointment was yesterday. My blood pressure was perfect (116/64), I HADN'T GAINED A SINGLE POUND, and I'm dilated almost 2 cm. Lots of exciting stuff at that appointment. My choices for my next appointment were Monday or Friday. I chose Friday just to give me a full week before seeing the doc again. I felt Monday would be too soon, not much would have changed. 

Blythe keeps pushing out like she needs more room but unfortunately my stomach won't stretch any further so it kind of hurts. Not enough for me to be in pain but!  I think she's ready haha!

How far along? 37 Weeks and 3 days
Size of Baby: According to What to, a watermelon- 19 - 22 inches long and 6 1/2 pounds

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 28 lbs
Maternity clothes? of course

Stretch marks? none

Gender: girl

Belly Button In/Out: still in...which is amazing to me

Wedding rings on or off? on, in the morning they are a little tight but after about an hour it's fine

Sleep:varies each night...some nights I do a lot of worrying/thinking and other nights I guess I'm so exhausted I just pass out. I'm still taking bathroom breaks pretty regularly in the middle of the night

Movement: hasn't slowed down

Food cravings: nothing lately

Best Moment This Week: girl time with a friend, got my hospital bag packed, surprise baby shower at work, and getting a working kitchen again

Miss Anything? my body feeling like my own body

What I am looking forward to: hanging out with some friends on Sunday and getting my house back together after all this remodeling

Have you started to show yet? of course!!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

36 Weeks

I had a lady at my work tell me yesterday that I was so tiny. That's such a great feeling when you are starting to actually believe you are a whale. ha! I was so excited about it I had to share!!!

How far along? 36 Weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to What to, a watermelon- 19 - 22 inches long and 6 1/2 pounds
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 26 lbs, but I go back to the doctor Friday so I will know more then
Maternity clothes? of course
Stretch marks? none
Gender: girl
Belly Button In/Out: still in...which is amazing to me
Wedding rings on or off? On...I haven't had any swelling so fingers crossed I won't get it here at the end
Sleep:not great...between the bathroom breaks and creepy labor and delivery dreams I barely get any sleep anymore
Movement: she shifts A LOT! I can actually see which side she is on and if I lightly press I can watch her move to the other side. Cracks me up!
Food cravings: nothing lately
Best Moment This Week: Had a good weekend with friends
Miss Anything? good sleep
What I am looking forward to: our new countertops get installed on Friday, I have another doc appt Fri, and my nephew gets baptized on Sunday
Have you started to show yet? of course!!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

35 Weeks

Went back to the doctor today. My blood pressure was perfect (120/68), her heartbeat was strong, my weight gain was on track, and I wasn't dilated at all. I go back next Friday for them to check again :)  Wish it was sooner than that but oh well! 

Next week will be super busy but I like my work days to be super busy so they pass by quicker. I'm in the final 30 or so days of this pregnancy and boy has it gone by quick! Also, our new countertops will be installed next Friday...I'm really hoping they call on Thursday and set it up for Friday afternoon since my doc appt is Friday morning otherwise I'm not sure what we are going to do! 

However, I know we need a kitchen because this no sink, no dishwasher, and no countertop thing is old. Not to mention all my dishes are still in boxes in the dining room and I'm ready for my house to get back to normal :D

How far along? 35 Weeks and 1 day

Size of Baby: According to What to, a large cantaloupe - 19 - 22 inches long and 6 pounds

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 26 lbs
Maternity clothes? mainly dresses and running shorts
Stretch marks? none

Gender: girl

Belly Button In/Out: still in

Wedding rings on or off? On 

Sleep:I'm up numerous times for bathroom breaks in the middle of the night, but other than that...I sleep pretty sound!

Movement: I don't need to watch the Olympics since I have my own going on inside me...she's active ALL THE TIME!

Food cravings: nothing lately

Best Moment This Week: swimming with friends this past weekend :)

Miss Anything? getting comfortable without being on my side or my legs not having that restless leg feeling

What I am looking forward to: Not having anything planned this weekend :)

Have you started to show yet? of course!!!!