Monday, November 12, 2012

Two Months Old

To Blythe:

Friday was your two month old birthday!!! You have changed drastically in the past month!

This morning I weighed myself and then came back and weighed myself while holding you. I know it's not completely accurate, but you don't go back to the doctor until the 19th. At your one month checkup (which actually turned out to be when you were 6 weeks old because I got off schedule) you weighed 9 lbs 14 oz. This morning you weighed 10 lbs. I will get a definite at your two month checkup which is actually going to be when you are 10 weeks old.
At 6 weeks old you were 22 1/4 inches long. I'm sure you've gotten longer, but once again...I will find that out on the 19th.
Clothing Size:
You are still in newborn clothing, but I've started putting some 0-3 month stuff on you as well. The majority of it swallows you, but some of the outfits fit better. It just varies on brand. They don't fit perfect yet, but you are 2 months old so you should be wearing 0-3 month stuff right? lol!
You could still be in newborn diapers, but after I ran out and knew you were already 9 lbs I figured we would move to size 1s instead of buying more newborns. So you are now in size 1s as of last week.
You are drinking 6 oz of formula every 4 hours. You have definitely put yourself on a schedule and I am completely fine with that. After the whole spit up thing started I switched you from Enfamil soy to Similac soy. You tend to keep more of it down, but still have your moments of excessive spit up. I have also started burping you different. As long as you aren't fighting burping or squirming around you don't tend to spit up at all.
Your eyes are still like a greenish brown color. Some people think they even look grey. I had you in a green outfit yesterday and I swear they were emerald green. It was beautiful!!! 
You don't take naps. I have come to accept this. You have never been a daytime sleeper. However, you sleep through the night, only waking once to eat. I'm hoping you will stop doing that sometime soon. You also fall asleep at the same time everyday...5pm. Once you are asleep you will actually sleep through your bottle. When you finally wake up, I bathe you, give you a bottle, and then put you in the bassinet and we are good for the night!!! The best part is we put you in the bassinet awake and you put yourself to sleep. No rocking needed!!
Fun Stuff:
You are such a happy baby. You smile from the time you wake up, until you fall asleep.

You are trying to talk...of course it's not real words but it's super cute!
You now make squealing noises when you laugh. It's awesome to hear.

You have finally started tolerating the swing. I wouldn't say you love it, but you definitely sit in it and talk to the mobile and laugh until you get annoyed or bored with it.
You make noise while sleeping. You squeak or groan or grunt. You are a very noisy baby ha!
Baths are your ambien. If I bathe you, you are out before finishing the bottle.  
You still hate tummy time, but you are amazing at holding your head up and steady.

You are actually a really good baby, but when you do fuss or cry it sounds like you are saying "why" or "gah". It's actually kind of funny.

You absolutely hate hiccups...I don't blame you!

You snort sometimes when you are mad.

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